Conceptual Design

Conceptual Design consists of 3 parts:
- Programming and Code Search
- Schematic Design
- Design Development
At the outset of every project, we check all applicable codes, photograph the site, and verify the as-built drawings provided by the client. Additionally, we conduct a programming interview where all spatial requirements, adjacencies and desired aesthetics are transmitted to us along with any photographs, tearsheets or images that the client prefers.
We follow this with a Schematic Design presentation where possible resolutions to the project are introduced in varying media such as drawings, renderings or models to achieve a clear visual consensus (and approval from any necessary planning regulatory agencies) on the overall direction of the project before we proceed to Design Development.
Once in Design Development, we begin to make the concept more real. We develop the sections, exterior elevations and look into finishes, lighting and appliances/equipment. Here is also where we coordinate the efforts of outside consultants such as structural, mechanical or electrical engineers, Title 24 consultants, parking consultants etc., with the construction documents beginning toward the end of this phase. In general, we develop the schematic concepts into buildable items that could be roughly estimated by a contractor and approved by the necessary governmental agencies.
Construction Documents
During this phase of design, we further tease out any unresolved details, whilst putting together a set of drawings that show a builder, in detail, the design intent of the project. Drawings for permit are compiled here as well as drawings that are not needed for permitting but needed to properly reveal the scope of work to a contractor for more accurate bidding, scheduling and construction. At the end of this phase of work we also assist the client in interviewing contractors, reviewing the construction sum and contract.

Construction Contract Administration

During Construction Administration Horwitz A+D will be your representative to the contractor. In essence, we become support staff for the contractor as they ask for clarifications of the construction documents or need help resolving coordination issues. We also check their work regularly for general conformance with the drawings.
A very thorough service that leads to less surprises and a smoother process.
Horwitz A+D exhibits a wide range of capabilities – commercial to residential, down to the last detail….we care about everything “nailed, glued or screwed”.